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Invest With Us

We like to make investing in our funds as simple and painless as possible! Please follow the steps below for either New or Existing Investors. If you're not sure which fund is most suitable for you, visit our Funds page or contact who would be happy to discuss. 


Please send all applications to both 
and our custodian account manager

New Investors

1/ Read the Information Memorandum

  • For the (S)EIS fund, please find it here.

  • For the EIS fund, please find it here.


2/ Read and Fill in the Application Pack

  • If you wish to invest in the (S)EIS fund ("The Start Up Fund"), please fill the pack here.

  • If you wish to invest in the EIS fund ("The Development Fund"), please fill the pack here.


*/ If you have any questions on the application, please write to


and we will be happy to guide you through the process.

Existing Investors

1/ Transfer the amount you wish to invest

Please use our bank account details. The minimum investment is £15,000.


2/ Send an email to us:

and our custodian account manager:


In the email, please confirm the following.

  • You are an existing investor in OT(S)EIS/OTEIS.

  • This is a top-up investment.

  • Your financial circumstances haven’t changed.

  • You still live at the same address.

Contact Us

+44 (0) 7720 060824

The Henley Building, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1HG

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